
What is Turkesterone?

What is Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid, a natural form of steroid that has a similar chemical structure to testosterone. We can also refer to testosterone as a phytosteroid, a form of steroid that can be found in plants. 

In the case of turkesterone, it is often found in the flowers and leaves of the Tribulus Terrestris plant and usually possess a high amount of phytoecdysteroids (study). Turkesterone is also named ajuga turkestanica.

Turkesterone is often linked with testosterone levels and may be involved in supporting muscle mass, strength, and metabolism.* In addition, turkesterone may also be involved with libido. 

One of the reasons behind the increased interest in turkesterone is that by being a natural steroid, it might get attached to different types of receptors in the body (androgen receptors) versus synthetic steroids. 

Ajuga Turkenistica plant

How turkesterone works

Turkesterone may support the production of testosterone in the body (study).* Testosterone is a hormone that might be involved in several processes, including muscle growth or avoiding muscle waste (study).* When levels of this hormone are low, it may lead to a reduction in muscle mass and strength, as well as an increase in body fat for some individuals.* In contrast, it is thought that higher levels of testosterone might help to build muscle and increase libido because of their role in certain behaviors (study).*

The exact mechanism by which turkesterone increases testosterone levels might depend on many factors, many of which need to be studied more deeply. However, some think this substance may work by stimulating the release of testosterone from the gonads. 

In addition, turkesterone might also inhibit the activity of enzymes that break down testosterone.* By doing so, this substance would allow for more testosterone to remain active in the body for a more extended period. 

Studies have also determined that extracts from turkesterone might produce anabolic effects in skeletal muscle cells (study) and protein synthesis in mammals (study).* Once again, more studies need to be performed on turkesterone to validate certain of these hypotheses.

Benefits of turkesterone

The benefits of turkesterone

As mentioned above, turkesterone may help support testosterone levels in the body in specific circumstances (study).* 

Athletes and bodybuilders often use turkesterone to help improve their performance and build more muscle mass as part of their training regimen. This substance tends to also be used by people who are following a certain diet or those who wish to regain a particular libido. However, it should be noted that more scientific evidence needs to be published to support these uses of turkesterone.

Turkesterone and muscle mass

Possible side effects of turkesterone

Turkesterone is generally well tolerated when taken orally in supplement form. The most common side effects may include an upset stomach. Less common side effects include headache, dizziness, and blood pressure changes. 

It should be noted that turkesterone may also interact with certain medications; therefore, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before taking this supplement.

As always, talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Get professional advice if you think you want to use a turkesterone supplement or are already taking one.

Read more about hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD), a component that can be added to a turkesterone supplement. 

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